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The Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John

Lenten Study 2023, Part 1

By Fr. Mark Perkins

This year the Lenten Study at St. Alban's is taught by Daniel Muth on the Bible's final and perhaps most controversial book, The Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John.

Dan Muth is a retired nuclear engineering manager with a master’s degree in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.  He was an Episcopalian for 58 years before joining the APA in May 2021 and has been writing off and on for The Living Church for going on 30 years, providing Lenten Meditations, book reviews, feature articles and opinion pieces.  Currently an aspirant to the priesthood, he lives with his wife in Windermere, FL and is a member of St. Alban’s Anglican Cathedral.

Muth recommends Craig Koester's Revelation and the End of All Things as a companion text -- a recommendation I heartily second.

You will also find the PowerPoint slides Dan prepared very helpful:

Fr. Mark Perkins is Curate at St. Alban's Anglican Cathedral in Oviedo, Florida and Executive Editor of Earth & Altar.


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