By Fr. Sean McDermott
One of my favorite resources from the past couple of years has been the St. Dunstan Psalter, published by Lancelot Andrewes Press. As Ken Myers writes over at Cantica Sacra:
The St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter includes all elements necessary for the recitation of the Daily Offices of the classic Book of Common Prayer according to the ancient Gregorian chant tradition. It combines the English text of the Coverdale Psalter with Psalm tones from the Sarum Rite, many of which were abandoned during the development of the Western Rite. The volume employs the original “square” notation proper to Gregorian plainchant.
All in all, this book is an absolute delight to use and learn from. However, those with little to no music background like myself, might find the book daunting to start to use. Now, for the first time, every Psalm has been recorded and posted online. Below you may find Psalm 1, and from there the whole channel dedicated to the St. Dunstan's Psalter. I hope you enjoy this resource!
Fr. Sean McDermott is Curate at All Saints Anglican Church and Editor-in-Chief of Earth & Altar.