Fr. Mark Perkins
Last year at this time, virtually all of us were spending a particularly grim Holy Week in social isolation. As a meager way of combatting the loss of our communal time of Lenten mourning and Easter celebration, we put together a number of resources and meditations to commemorate the days of Holy Week. While I hope and pray that you are able to commemorate this holiest of times in your parish this year, I thought I would refer back to those resources, as they may be helpful devotionally, whether you are in church or not:
Various clergy put together meditations on our Lord's "Seven Last Words," which you can find here.
Fr. Myles Hixson reflected on the meaning and significance of Maundy Thursday.
Fr. Sean McDermott provided a number of devotional resources for Good Friday.
I also wrote brief homilies on the Daily Office readings for Good Friday.
Finally, Fr. Myles Hixson meditated on the Sabbath of Sabbaths, Holy Saturday.
God bless you in this Holy Week.
Fr. Mark Perkins is Curate at St. Alban's Anglican Cathedral in Oviedo, Florida and Executive Editor of Earth & Altar.